DATE: Sunday 30th March 2025
VENUE: Faccombe Estate - Puppy and Noice events will be run separately and in different areas so that we can run to schedule and allow for entries in multiple classes.
A maximum of 18 dogs per stake - if classes are oversubscribed a draw will take place and preference will be given to members. If oversubscribed a draw will take place with priority given to fully paid-up members.
PUPPY - Meet at 9.00 am for a prompt 9.30 am start. Entrants will be run singley in an area on the estate away from other classes. All entrants to be under 18 months on the day of the test
Judges - TBC
NOVICE - Meet at 9.00 am for a prompt 9.30 am start. Entrants will be run in pairs in an area on the estate. Entrants not to have been placed 1st in a Novice test or won an award at a Field Trial Inc. C of M
Judges - Chris Bridgwater & Jeff Roberts
OPEN - Meet at 13:00 will not start before 13:30 and run in the normal fashion
Judges - Andrew Robinson & Andy Ling
ENTRY FEE: £15 for members and £25 for non-members
ENTRIES CLOSE: 21st March 2025
DRAW: 22nd March 2025
To be held under Kennel Club Rules I.D. No. 704
Please bring your own lunch and refreshments.
Please post for email entries to;
Natasha Chamberlain
7 Westgate Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6BL
Entry forms can be downloaded below, emailed to the test secretary, or sent electronically. entries fees are Cheque or Cash in person