
The Kintbury Gundog Club welcomes all to join us. Please check the website regularly for any changes to the training schedule.

  • Training is on the 1st Sunday of every month where you can join others to get help with your dogs.

  • Access to a group of people with extensive knowledge of gundog training and willing to help with any issue you may have

To apply to become a member of the club an initial one off admin fee of £5.00 is required plus the annual subscription of £15.00 single or £20.00 joint. Please make the first cheque payable to Kintbury Gundog Club. If you wish to pay the initial payment via direct credit / BACS payment using the following details;


  • Account number: 60698156

  • Sort Code: 20-59-14

  • Please use the reference “Membership & your name”.

A standing order form for annual renewal will be sent to you with confirmation of membership, or please see the button below.

Applications must be supported by a proposer, supported by their name/s and signature/s who are fully paid up members of the club.

Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year, for a membership application form please click here or contact the Membership Secretary