Results of the AV Spaniel Inter-club Match 16th April 2023
Held at Faccombe Estate. Faccombe by kind permission of Faccombe Estates
Judges: John Cook, Andy Ling & Chris Green
1st North Devon 473 points
Esther Cope with Eightwalks Chestnut (ESSB)
Brodie Chequer with Strigdale of Chequersgate (CSB)
Kevin John with Greenbush Charley of Boggwater (ESSD)
2nd The Dambusters 453 points
K Dunbridge with Frynongain Tyler (ESSD)
R Wooldridge with Natcarw Lets Dance (ESSB)
R Bishop with WessexMac Fabulous Flo (ESSB)
3rd The Cornish Crew 405 points
Morwenna McNally with Wiscombe Muscat (ESSB)
Alice Wise with Esgob Flos (ESSB)
Alice Wise with Draitcoch Ella (ESSB)
4th Coventry & District 395 points
Julie Thatcher with Libby (ESSB)
Aidie Stride with Ted (ESSD)
Jane Stenner with Breeze (ESSB)
The Best Hunting dog award went to Kevin John representing North Devon
Extremely well done North Devon and thankyou to every team that entered our event representing your club, supporting us makes these days special, and exciting, its also a nice for friends and fellow triallers to meet up for a chat.
I would like to thank our sponsors Skinners dog food and Sporting Saint for generously supporting our event, the estate, everyone who competed in the Interclub Match, the judges but to the entire Kintbury Gundog Club, All those behind the scenes people who organised this event for you after the 2 year break. These mainly are the committee members who worked tirelessly to ensure the day and the overall event was a successful one, Test Secretary for receiving the entries, all the helpers including members wives/husbands volunteering their spare time as dummy throwers, gun firers, competitors wives /husbands also helping out, people putting the blinds down, the runners liaising with the judges and keeping the scorer informed of points for updating the score board, stewards, raffle ticket person. It is very much an entire team event organising an enjoyable day for you all.
Many thanks
Bryn Smith - General Secretary
We are organising some photographs of the award winners for the website with Simon West the photographer who was there with his cameras taking many photographs of the match, if anyone would like photograph(s) of their dogs and themselves taken at the match they can be downloaded from his website. for a small fee. Simons website via the link below.